Rules for groupwork:

- Send the work to me on mail (

- On the 1st page of the word document, put only the name of the group (using a bigger font)


Lecture 1: Introduction


Peter Jones's ten rules for entrepreneurial success
To remember: the 10 rules

Sir Richard Branson, Business and Motivational Speaker
What are some of the entrepreneurial characteristics of Sir Richard?

Groupwork lecture 1

Check 5 characteristics of Sir Richard and write a paragraph (4-5 lines maximum) on how this characteristics is important in your point of view. I am not interestedto get a text of what sir Richard has said.


Lecture 2: La culture D'entreprise - Entrepreneuriat et Culture

Notes (read pages: 10 - 23)

Summary (picture1, picture2)


Video: The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

Groupwork lecture 2: Objective is to watch the video and summarise the text in order to understand the concepts

For each of the 15 characteristics, name the characteristics and summarise what was said in the video on 4-5 lines.


Video to watch (no need to do work on it)

Success Will Never Come to Entrepreneurs Who Do These 10 Things

10 Business Lessons I Learned As An Entrepreneur


Lecture 3: L'Education et la culture entrepreneuriale


Notes (pages: 5- 43)

Video: Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs
Pdf doc of the speech

Groupwork lecture 3: See the video. Suppose you have kids and want to educate kids on entrepreneurship. Write (1 page in word document) on things that you will do and that are linked to the Mauritian realities. I am expecting you to have some bright ideas...


Lecture 4 and 5: Aspects culturels du business familial



Video: Vikram Bhalla: Family businesses are here to stay, and thrive

(In the settings of youtube you can add subtitles. But the translation is not 100%perfect)


Video: How do you preserve family values in the Asian family business?

Video: Inheriting a business: how to make it a success

Video: The Family Business FORUM - Patrick Bermingham


Lecture 7: L’Entrepreneuriat féminin


Notes (pages 15-30)

Notes 2 (pages 12-20)


Lecture 8: La Culture d'Intrapreneuriat au sein de l'Entreprise



Video: Stimuler l'intrapreneuriat dans une PME